willingness to work with the uncertainties and the constantly evolving experiences we have in the world

In this project the photograph is used as a way to consider physical space. A main condition of the photograph is its capturing of time. As well there is a constant evolution, or progression to the state of existing things, that they in effect are instances of their existence in time.  

PROCESS: select an image, event, figure, object, situation, concept

Categorize it according to a "stayed" position, à la Cartier-Bresson's decisive moment, or even in terms of a definition, "It is THIS".

The artwork you make is an 'undoing' of this instance, of this definition. It is to provide the layering and the expanded view, or the exploded view of the instance. See "Things Come Apart" link in side-column.

Materials: Open
Consider: the frame of reference in which we are to observe the work in its final form

I'll be looking at the wider context with which the work is displayed: the state of the wall, the floor, the plinth etc. Clean them and have us (your viewers) focus on what it is you are saying with your work!

further examples:
Andreas Johansson, Sweden
Collete Fu, USA

Andreas Johnasson: photograph as shown in installation

Installation view (not the clean and purposeful room!)

Opposiing view (background props of photographs):

Colette Fu